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5 Steps To Making A Great Explainer Video

Explainer videos are very in demand these days and we see why. Research shows that videos are more engaging than traditional text and you’re far more likely to keep your audience’s attention longer through video.

So, with all this knowledge at hand, here are our 5 tips to making a great explainer video-

1. Write A Good Script

The script is vital to a good and informative video. Start by identifying who your audience is. Then outline the points/info you want to share in an efficient and concise way. Are you solving a problem? Be sure to point out that you are offering a solution with your product or service.

2. Hire a Professional To Provide the Audio/Voice Overs

There’s a lot more that goes into professional audio than one might think. In order to have clear, professional sound on your video, you need a professional set up with the appropriate mics and sound proof environment. This can be challenging for the everyday person not specializing in video work so hire a professional to make this process a breeze.

3. Keep It Short

The more info you can pack into a short video the better- truly! Viewers want info fast and they are sure to click away if they get bored. One way to fight this is keeping the video short, preferable under 3 minutes.

4. Keep It Simple

Don’t over complicate things- keep your video direct and simple so your viewers can easily follow along. Remember to identify the problem, present your solution and then explain how it works. There is no point to creating an explainer video if the audience is left confused after watching it- counterproductive indeed.

5. Add Music

The tone of your video will dictate what type of music is most appropriate but having background music is always a must in our book. Music helps bring things to life and will help keep your audience engaged and interested in what they’re watching.

Want an example of what we mean? Take a few moments to watch this video we made for HealthRev Partners-

Still have questions? Contact us directly by email at or by phone at 417-350-7068.

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