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Video Is NOT The Future. Video Is NOW.

Video is and has been growing immensely over the last decade, while other forms of media go extinct.  After all videos are an effective tool, especially for Microlearning. We are now in the second quarter of 2020, at the time of writing this article much of the business world is working at home due to COVID-19. Video is officially at the core of explaining, training, marketing, and social interaction. 

Here are just a few takeaways from the State of Video Marketing Survey 2020.  Not only is nearly everyone using video in their business or organization, nearly everyone believes in it.

  • 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. 

  • Video is social - the largest platforms of video content are social media. People are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other content. 

  • Most common type of videos (72%) are explainer videos, and 95% of users says video has helped consumers increase understanding of their product or service. Here's a quick example we just finished producing at Clear Point Video...

  • Video keeps users on their website for an average of 88% longer.

  • Video can be implemented for a variety of soft skills, compliance training, and remote learning

  • Video has the highest ROI of any marketing tool. Why do you think Super Bowl Ads cost so much?  Or more importantly, why we’re still talking about them years later? Here's one of my favorites from this year...

  • 87% of users say video has increased traffic on their website

  • 89% say video, in general, gives them a good return on their investment.

If you want to dig a little deeper check out this article: State of Video Marketing Survey 2020

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